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Sushi, Sushi America~n

Sushi, Sushi^^ What are you up to? Sushi Sushi is japanese traditional way that people bow and introduce each other when they first meet. Today, (OK, I am such a liar) I went to the edit room in my school broadcasting building, and that was so cool. It is like a room for editing… I know that is why it’s called “Editing Room.” But anyway, I went there. My Austrian friend burned DVD that he made, and we headed to the film club to show our crane shot idea. It is basically built by long wooden stick, tripod, fishing string, or wire and duct tape. We attached the tripod to one side of the edge of wood with tape so that the camera is connected to the crane. We also used wire attaching one side of wire to camera itself, and a person who holds a wood also hold the other side of wire so that we can tilt up and down the camera when we shoot. One more thing we created was cushion to prevent my leg from deadly hitting to the wood directly, which leads us to the hell if there is something called hell after we die.^^ Anyway, the whole thing is like this. And this is what we see through the lens. I will post the real tutorial for making this crane. And the movie clip is gonna be posted on you-Tube and Vimeo. So please go and check them out after I post it.

After the film club, I called German photographer who is also the student of same school. She is looking for a person wanting Headshot. I have never thought how much one headshot is in professional price. It is 150 dollars. Wow, that is more than my food cost in a month. That is incredible. I can’t imagine why it is so expensive, but yeah that is our job. I want to make fashion photographs. OK, I will plan to make that. So much staff that I want engage in. Haha, that is cool actually. OK.

I will let you know what is going on my life again in few days. Bye now

Sushi Sushi^^

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. March 3, 2010 at 6:37 AM

    Yeeeeeeeeeah best crane ever made by Sushis!

    • March 3, 2010 at 7:50 AM

      Sushi crane is coming to the United States!!!

  2. Jacquelyn
    March 3, 2010 at 6:34 PM

    FINALLY. Do you know I check multiple times everyday to see if you have a new blog post? ( No life, I know. T_T )
    Anyway: Wow Loki-kun!! Cho sugoi!! Cho sushi (XD)! I think all the people in the editing room thought: ” iina~~! ”
    And you are getting a headshot? You want to be a sexy model, I knew it. ;D www
    Do you know that we’re all really proud of you? (Have we mentioned that to you? 😛 )

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