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Time has come to read Japanese!!

Today I was a bit shocked that new Japanese friend thought I was 18 years old because of my face. I am 20!! Does my face look like so young guy?? Anyway I am going to ask her about her film experiences, and hopefully we can work together!! Since my new semester began, time passed for one and half week already. Time goes so fast… I have not realized that school has already begun… (jokes

By the way, my apartment is now under construction!! I keep my door open and someone is painting the door. New generation comes to my house!!! Huu, actually it did not change at all. But those who are painting our house is so cool. They use spray for painting. They pomp the white ink from the bottle and splash it on the wall!! I really want to use these items to make my movie!! Actually I want to paint my clothes with that… it may be too much though^^

Sorry to change the topic so fast. I finished reading a book called “Dance Dance Dance” written by Haruki Murakami. He is Japanese author, but some of his books are translated into English as well as this book. I read in Japanese by the way, and it was so good!!! Everyone, time has come to read a Japanese novel!! His book is artistic and very thoughtful. The story is beginning from that main character, “I,” who is working as a freelance writer for some lady magazines is reminded by something strange as if someone is crying in the darkness for him. He cannot get rid of that image, and he decided to stop his job and check what that is to Hokkaido. He finally get to the rich hotel, which he visited and looked for a special sheep with mysterious prostitution before. He tried to forget that event, but he could not. Now he decided to face his future. But already he is involved in a huge evilness of the world.

This book is the fourth of this series. You do not have to read these previous three before you read this one. But if you want to understand the story more, you better read from the first series, which is called “Listen to the song of wind.” One thing that I really like him is that he wrote the story so politely, and I can imagine what is going on very clearly. Also I think he is dealing with some deep theme in his novel but he does not tell us directly and it remains our minds as if he was asking us, “Can you understand what I am asking to you?” That’s why I love to read this book. Actually I did not understand the theme of novel that much, but I really enjoyed them. Why??? It is because Mr. Murakami think the most important thing to read his book is to enjoy reading itself. Muu… he is genius. I highly recommend that you read this one, and it is worth reading!!!

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. February 26, 2010 at 3:53 AM

    I love this post 😀
    “Huu” “Muu” you write these words a lot, what do you mean?
    Hahaha–your friend thought you were 18!!! You’re a baby like me, haha–don’t ride the bus alone XD
    You feel so strongly and passionately towards “Dance Dance Dance.” I love your honesty ^_^ I will make sure to read this book!!

    • February 26, 2010 at 4:59 AM

      Huu, Muu mean something like sigh^^ I am glad to hear you like to read this blog. I will keep posting my daily lives here!!

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